Studio: Tokyo Hot
Release: January 20,2022
A truly Japanese woman, it might already be a dead language. An antique woman who put up a man in obedience was gone anywhere. There is only creating it in case of not being. The tea ceremony of the TOKYO HOT style is effective to it. The expert in the field and the head of a school were invited to TOKYO HOT office and it practised by SHIZUKA TOKUGAWA of the slender model. Actually it only severely insults her by devils always. Because the fee gets the lesson of the tea ceremony from a woman, it is killing two birds with one stone. Hereafter, the number of slut members will be increased.
大和撫子。もはや死語でしょう。従順で男を立てる古風な女は何処にもいなくなりました。いないなら創り上げるしかありません。 それには東熱流の茶道が有効です。その道の大家・中出し千家(通称「中千家」)家元を東熱事務所に招きスレンダーモデル系の徳川静香で実践しました。 実際はいつもの様に鬼畜達で散々凌辱しただけなんですが…。茶道のお稽古なら女から会費も取れるので一石二鳥。これからメスの会員を増やしていきます! Full videos HD