Takara Eizou MOND-171 Longing Brother And Daughter-in-law And Sumire Mihara


Duration: 01:58:46

Actor: Mihara Sumire

Studio: Takara TV

Release: August 09,2019


Brother’s violets that have been brought to marry was a kindly woman calm. I was love at first sight with her. A dozen years since then, I have spent up to now while embracing the secret I think to elder brother’s wife Sumire’s. Such a few months ago I to the turning point came. It was supposed to be sponger to his brother home on account of work. Already the children of Annika is Suda’, brother and his wife gave me kindly welcomed me. When we arrived in the night shift at the end house Sumire’s troubled up of breathing. So, she was comforted one person lonely. I you’ve seen the embarrassing appearance of violet-san will impatient, went to his room to flee referred to as the I’m sorry. Then Mr. violet came shyly to my room. So as to block the Ano … and violets who tried to open the mouth I confessed that I liked from long ago to hit the thought of until now. Each other staring, after a long silence, Mr. violet grasps my hand, I nodded. Servants for granted as embraced, kissed, was overlaid the body ….兄が結婚すると連れてきたすみれさんは穏やかで優しそうな女性だった。僕は彼女に一目惚れした。あれから十数年、僕は兄嫁すみれさんに密かな思いを抱きつつ今まで過ごしてきた。そんな僕に転機が訪れたのは数ヶ月前。仕事の都合で兄家に居候することになった。既に兄家の子供たちは巣立っており、兄夫妻は快く僕を迎え入れてくれた。夜勤終わり家に着くとすみれさんの悩ましげな息遣い。そう、彼女は一人寂しく慰めていた。すみれさんの恥ずかしい姿を見てしまった僕は焦ってしまい、ごめんなさいと言い逃げるように自室へ向かった。その後すみれさんは恥ずかしそうに僕の部屋に来た。あの…と口を開こうとしたすみれさんを遮るように僕は今までの思いをぶつけるようにずっと前から好きでしたと告白した。見つめ合い、長い沈黙の後、すみれさんは僕の手を握り、頷いた。僕たちは当たり前のように抱き合い、キスをし、カラダを重ねた…。
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Actors: Takara TV