4 10:41 0% Two Sluts, Two Huge of Cocks and One Large Any phallic object used to penetrate the body in order to achieve sexual pleasure Usually a sex toy made out of rubber, plastic, or glass A dildo can be a vibrator, but not all vibrators are dildos Generally though, dildos do not vibrate
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2 10:11 0% Les Hotties Share And Lick One Toy Any phallic object used to penetrate the body in order to achieve sexual pleasure Usually a sex toy made out of rubber, plastic, or glass A dildo can be a vibrator, but not all vibrators are dildos Generally though, dildos do not vibrate On Cam
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3 04:31 0% four blacks on one blonde “Big, beautiful woman” Used in personal ads as a euphemism for fat
7 07:40 0% PUBLIC Having sex with a person without the encounter being extended into a relationship after clubbing