Caribbeancom 050613-331 Pants school first episode Aishiro Sayaka, Kaede Oshiro, Yuko Kouda, Yuni Katsuragi


Length: 00:47:52

Actor: Aishiro Sayaka, Kaede Oshiro, Yuko Kouda, Yuni Katsuragi

Studio: Caribbeancom

Launch: August 31,2018


Sayaka Aiyo, Kaede Oshiro, Yuko Kota, Yuni Katsuragi “Pants Gakuen” The most recent directed director Kaoru Adachi! The theme is spots of pants …. That is youth! Luxurious three items. Three virgin youngsters who simply transferred to former women’ college. From the looks plainly it appears to be inconceivable to think about a women who appears to be purposely cocking within the cock in the bathroom and sucking sucking … It is a dream or actuality! What? Well being trainer who cheeks male trainer ‘s decamar underneath the trainer’ s desk! A woman who enjoys fool play, which is named an introductory check of the Valley Division! A narrative filled with great tales at a lady’s backyard!
愛代さやか、大城かえで、幸田裕子、桂木ゆにによる「パンツ学園」あの安達かおる監督の最新監督作品! テーマは、パンツのシミ・・・。これが青春だ!豪華3本立て。元女子○校に転校してきたばかりの3人の童貞くん。見た目からは想像もつかないほど清純そうな女子にトイレでのチンポをシゴいてしゃぶりってヌキまくり…これは夢か現実なのか!?教員室の机の下で男性教師のデカマラを頬張る保健の先生!バレー部の入門テストと称し、痴女プレイを楽しむ女子!女の園で繰り広げられるハレンチな物語!
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